Creative Recruiter | Talent Developer | Passion for People | Life Long Learner | Tech Lover | True Geek at Heart | Outside the Box Thinker


Thank you for visiting my Sourcing page! Here are some tools and resources for you. If you know of any other materials that may be an asset to add to this page, please let me know and I will add them.

Let's being with a video around different ways to work on Social Recruiting.

Below you will find some of either the current or past tools that I have used. Each have their own value in what I do. It will depend on the size of the organization you work for and how much you want to get out of each tool in order for you to see a return.

Hiring Solved is a tool that can be used in conjunction with a number of other free products. For the most part, Hiring Solved provides you with the ability of capturing data on the candidate as well as ways to reach out directly to the candidate. Hiring Solved has a people aggregator which gathers data from across the web and filters the most relevant information into a database of candidate profiles. 


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